
Man Cites “Live-In Relationship Agreement” To Get Bail In Rape Case | EnvoyPost

A 46-year-old man accused of rape produced a “live-in relationship agreement” – which stated that they will not file any case of sexual harassment against each other – to secure anticipatory bail in a rape case filed by his partner in Mumbai.

The 29-year-old woman told the Mumbai court that the signature on the document was not hers.

The woman works as a caregiver for the elderly, while the accused is a government employee, said the police, adding that it is verifying the agreement and will call in witnesses for questioning.

The complainant has alleged that the accused, who had promised to marry her, had raped her multiple times during the time they were living together.

The lawyer appearing on behalf of the accused has called it a case of fraud.

“The applicant has been falsely implicated in the case. He is a victim of circumstances. They were in a live-in relationship. The agreement shows that both of them had agreed to be in a relationship. The agreement was made, the woman signed it. The agreement shows that both of them had agreed to be in a relationship,” said Sunil Pandey, the man’s lawyer.

The Official Agreement Between Them

According to the seven-point agreement between the two, it was decided that they will stay together from August 1 2024 to June 30, 2025.

The second clause states that during this period they will not file any case of sexual harassment against each other and will spend their time together peacefully.

The woman will live with the man at his home, says the third clause, and if she finds his behavior inappropriate, they can separate at any time after giving one month’s notice.

Relatives of the woman cannot come to her house while she is staying with him, says the fourth clause.

As per the fifth clause, the woman should not cause any harassment or mental agony to the man.

If the woman gets pregnant during this period, the man should not be held responsible, says the sixth clause.

The seventh clause states that if the harassment causes mental trauma to the man, thereby ruining his life, the woman will be held responsible.

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